Nov 8, 2009

A Dream to Cherish....

Though not for real, but she visited me in my dreams last night... I sailed on cloud nine when my sister knocked on my bathroom door, "Someone is here to see you" she yelled... "Who is it".... I yelled back... "Someone called XXXXXX".... "ask her to wait I will be down".... It was bliss when I heard that name.... Wrapping a towel I ran down to receive her...

I could only see a blur image of hers... am I going blind or something... I realised, it was because of the refraction of vision caused due to tear drops all ready to pounce out.....wiped my eyes and cleared my vision...

There stood an Angel waiting to see me... In white churidhars she stood there, God she is so beautiful... I appreciate the afforts you had put in to make a masterpiece... She had the most pleasing smile that I had ever seen complemented by prettiest lips...

Wished her, spoke to her, showed her around... kissed her good bye.... that was it.. but atleast, though in dream, she paid me a homage... and Love her for that....

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