Oct 8, 2005

Nymph of My Dream

Nymph of my Dream
Angel was she, I dreamt of her last night,
Pretty was she, I fell for her at first sight,
Real she made my dream look, walking into it,
Unreal it became again the moment she flit.

She walked into my dream, swiftly like a breeze,
Her chunri kissing, my face with ease,
Kissing by it took a piece of me,
Heart to be specific, pain that I felt was glee.

Was she an angel, Mr. Brain hollered,
Or is she a thief, she stole something of his,
This time he exploded,
Poor little brain he is such a fanatic,
Cause he thinks logic, no emotions nothing romantic.

Her hair was long, dark and light,
Like the long, shinning eternal night,
Passing by, her hair brushed my face,
Each hair moved over it with heavenly grace.

Her eyes were green, like vegetating meadow,
Each glimpse of it, cast, in my heart its shadow,
My mind hovered around her eyes like bees,
Nothing else can be more soothing, than a sight of these.

She walked like flamingos in their best fleet,
Swift and light, she moved her feet,
She was careful nothing gets hurt in her way,
Her grace would make celestial damsels to stay.

Her fragrance swallowed my whole body,
I got intoxicated as if I am on toddy,
It consumed me from head to heel,
It aroused in my heart, for her, the zeal.

She was an Angel not just my imagination,
She was so pretty she caught my fascination,
Don’t go Oh pretty lady, I heard myself scream,
Ignoring it she went away, she was the Nymph of my Dream.

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