Oct 22, 2005

My Encounter with Reality

Last evening as usual when I reached home from office freshened up and went to meet my pals. Each evening we sit in group and chat and backbite and evetease and gossip and fag (smoke) and few non smokers including me just sit around and chat and backbite and evetease and gossip while the smokers smoke. Last evening was no different for others but it was different for me. I was not my usual self, the usual cynosure self. I was quiet and in deep thought, thought about me, thought about myself, thought about what am I doing, thought about my purpose of my life, thought about why did Ayyappa give me birth, thought about why did he send me to this material world. I was confused literally confused. Am I going to spend my life like my father is doing, work and work and work, till your back bend, till your tummy bulge, till your head go bald, till the enumerable hair on your head go gray, till your eyes are pushed back inside its socket, till your vision blur and your eyes cant see farther than your arm length without help from an equipment called spectacles, till wrinkles shrink your otherwise shiny skin, till your thoughts are limited to well being of your family and family and family and nothing else but family, till you cant spend even a single pie on your self, till you await for someone whom you have heard of but never seen whom you might not want to see but cant avoid him. Is this the only purpose in my life? To work and work, work from hand to mouth, work so that my children can go to the best school than best college than get them married than see them leave me and become independent handling affairs of his wife and children totally ignoring me. Is this the purpose of my life,is this the purpose of life of each of us sitting here? I realised a reality that after a span of few years we wont be finding time to sit in group and chat and backbite and evetease and gossip and fag (smoke) and few non smokers including me just sit around and chat and backbite and evetease and gossip while the smokers smoke. I wanted to share this reality with others but thought otherwise and kept this reality to myself.

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