Jan 27, 2011

Its sad that I dont expect anything from myself.......

I don’t Expect anything from Myself…..

The other day my fiancée forced me into taking an analytical test.

Nimzzzz : Jaan I want you to take this test which would tell me some hidden secrets about you, what you expect from the person you love the most…..

Sij : No baba what test and all… If you wanna know my hidden secrets I will reveal them to you, why do you want me to take all these tests and all….

Nimzzzz : Monu please take it, it would reveal stuff from your subconscious mind which you might not be aware of when you are conscious.

Sij : oho is it so and is it proven.... by Sigmund Freud…..

Nimzzzz : I don’t know.. I got this SMS and I found it accurate.. wanted to know how you would fare…. Probably some psychiatrist might have prepared this out of his ages of experience treating psychoticzzzzzzz……..

Sij : Ok than go ahead and take the test…. (I was already in a state of dilemma because of giving and failing tests)

Nimzzzz : Choose a number from following group of number (3, 13, 23, 33, ……., 123)

Sij : I chose “63”

Nimzzzz : Give me the name of the person you love the most

Sij : “SIJI”

Nimzzzzz : and the result is “Nothing”, hahahahaha “NOTHING”…..

Sij : That’s strange “I Don’t Expect Anything From My Self”….. oh! That’s worth giving a thought. Thanks for the realization babe.. I never thought of it… Gotto sit and analyze what I should be expecting from my self….

Nimzzzz : No Problem Darling…………….

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