Jun 4, 2011

Melancholic Day…. Friday the 3rd June 2011…

He longed for her, she is there in India, and he is here in UAE. He missed her and wanted her to be with him. Tears rolled down his cheeks remembering her, and that’s the moment when he realized how much he loved her and how much he wanted her to be with him. Took his phone and dialed her to talk, she picked. But he felt like a huge lump of sadness was stuck in his throat and was suppressing his voice, he could not talk. His words were stuck in his throat he could barely speak to her, and he did not want her to know how devastated he was. Suppressing his emotional turmoil, he forced himself to talk to her and talk to her as if nothing’s wrong.

They spoke for over one and a half hour, and that was indeed relieving for him. He felt as if she was lying by his side resting her head on his arm, he could feel her warm breath on his chest. Fiddling with his chest hair she was humming her favourite song, it was Divine… The feeling was ecstatic and he was elated as he crawled from the bitter truth of this real world to the world of his imagination where he with his wife by his side they were engrossed in divinely love for each other.... for ever and ever and ever till eternity....

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