Jul 25, 2009

Its a Sad Day.....

Its a sad day,
Oh! such a bad day,
I regret having asked for it,
I didnt know, they would give me shit.

Accepting it they had nothing to loose or gain,
Rejecting which they had me in grave pain,
Pain is not at all because, they had rejected,
Pain is because, the reason why they objected.

I felt they would give me, and I was so sure,
But they gave me something for which there is no cure,
I had been with them for such a long time,
This is the policy is what they mime.

People say, you need not loose hope,
But I dont know how should I cope,
I believed they will not say no,
But I am sad that it wasnt so.

Being sad is truly not me,
I am the kind who is always in glee,
But I dont know why today I feel so bad,
Probably thats the reason, why I am sad....


TheChicGeek said...

So beautiful. Where do those flowers grow? They look tropical.

Awww, I see it is a sad day :(

I will send some sunshine your way...is it getting happier? :D

I hope so.
Have a Blessed and Beautiful Day!

TheChicGeek said...

Oooops, July 13 was the sad day...LOL

Good...Flowers are a happy day :)

Shadow said...

oooo, i hope this day is a distant memory...