Mar 30, 2009

Life is no more Complicated but Weather is.....

A week back I was feeling as if my life is getting into a big messs.... I was getting all messed up in my brain.... the weird feeling of adding another chapter to your life was indeed so WIERD.... But I thank Ayapppa its no more as complicated as it was last week. I had beeen on the verge of falling offf a cliff with my soul trying to move out of my complicated life and tryin to escape as if there was no tomorrow... But its all sorted out now and normalized... and I am enjoyin the feelin that its all over..... its all eased out.... my brain is no more tyyin to get into the psychosis it was tryin to get into... Its bliss now.... I am now on Cloud Number 9....... I am on the Seventh Heaven.... Walkin on Air.... carryin my Normalized life with my Brain and my Body and my Soul in total Harmony....

Life is no more Complicated however the Weather is goin crazy now.... its rainin in Dubai when it is supposed to be 36 Degree Celcius hot..... GLOBAL WARMING IS SHOWING ITS EFFECTS..... PEOPLE BEWARE....... SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IS THE NEED OF THE DAY....

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